Getting Started

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Tru Permissions is a SharePoint App that is can be installed that is not available in the App Store. To install the app you must download the .app package and install directly in your App Catalog. Note that this this App only works with SharePoint 2013 and will not work with previous versions of SharePoint. It is supported on on-premise and Office 365 / SharePoint Online deployments. • Prerequisites to completing the install:• Be a SharePoint Administrator• Must have SharePoint 2013 or SharePoint Online/Office 365Register The App1. Navigate to your App Catalog Site Collection App Registration Page.
https://{YOUR SITE}/sites/appcatalog/_layouts/15/appregnew.aspx
 NOTE: if you get a permissions error here, navigate the the list of your site collections under SharePoint Admin center and confirm that that indeed you are site collection admin even if you think you already are.

2. Enter the following details into the form:Client Id:   f81a0e01-c0ff-487b-bcab-2c7f01aa1ca8Client Secret:   tqf03juiOPT2nUEGugCNFSzHQZXTOefW/BLePIHKcJk=Title:   Tru PermissionsApp Domain:   trupermissions.azurewebsites.netRedirect URI:  
 Add the App to your App Catalog1. Download the App from here:
This will provide you with a .APP file. You will then upload that file to your app catalog.
 NOTE: You may get the app file by email. Some email servers may rename the .app file to .zip extension. In the event that happens, rename the .zip file to .app and proceed. 2. Go to https://portal.microsoftonline.com3. Login with your admin credentials4. In the top right, click on Admin -> SharePoint5. Click on 'apps' then 'App Catalog'6. Click on App Catalog. If there is not app catalog create a new one.Once created, navigate back to the App Catalog on the left navigation by clicking "App" -> App Catalog7. Click 'new app'8. Click 'Choose file'9. Find the file and add it.At this point, your app is ready for you organization to install on any site.Follow the steps below to Install the Tru Permissions AppsFirst Navigate to the site where you wish to use Tru Permissions. 1. Click on  the gear icon in the top right corner of your site -> Click Add an app. 2. Make sure 'From Your Organization' is selected on the left hand side menu. 3. In the search box type "Tru Permissions" 4. The App should display. Click on it. 5. Select Trust It. The App will begin installing. 6. Once installed, click on the app to get started. To Confirm Installation. Browse to a document library within the site, Click on the Ribbon, The you will see Tru Permissions. Click Tru Permissions you will see this page      
Creating a Ruleset
Tru Apps applies item-level permissions based on rules you define. Those set of rules are called Rulesets. There are 3 components needed to define a Ruleset: 1. Starting permissions2. Always permissions3. Column value based permissions Starting Permissions Copy permissions from parent -  items added/modified will start with the same permissions as the parent library or folder. Clear all permissions - items added/modified will start with absolutely no permissions applied to them. Always Permissions Those are permissions that will always be applied to the item added or edited. Usually rules added here define administrators or stakeholders that need to see or edit content from all teams. Column value Permissions (also Role based permissions) Rules defined here apply permissions based on column values.  When defining the rule you specify: 1. Column  (which column you want to check against)2. Value (what value should trigger the permission to be applied)3. Permission (What permission should be applied) You may specify as many columns as needed and as many values and permissions as needed. Example: You have a customer column and you want anything labeled as customer A to be only viewable and editable by Customer A
Attaching the Ruleset to a Library or List
Once a ruleset is created and saved, it needs to be attached before it starts working.  To attach a ruleset to a list or library navigate to the Ruleset creation page and click on  Attach Ruleset to List. The Attach Ruleset to List button will rename to  Detach Rulset from List if it is attached successfully. Once attached test to make sure Tru Permissions is applying the permissions correctly.
Testing Rules
Before using the Tru Permissions feature, make sure you test it to make sure it is applying permissions as you expect. To do so first try adding an item to the library or list. Then, check its permissions as follows: 1. Click on the ...   next tot he document or item you just added.2. Click on the ...  on the box that shows up3. Click on Shared With 4. Click on ADVANCED This will take you to a page that look like the view below. If item shows Unique permissions then that means the Tru Permissions correctly updated the permissions. You can further look at the permissions that it put in place to confirm that those the permissions that you expected. In the case below Testing Owners was assigned as an Always permission with Edit rights.Note that the user that last modifies the item will always have contribute access to the item directly. 



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